LCD module drive for interfacing a text lcd display with any AVR device
- 18/1/2015
- AVR-GCC 3.4.1057, Atmel Studio 6 (Version: 6.2.1153)
- Any AVR device
- Originally based on Peter Fleury's lcd library,
- Changed/Added: configure each pin from data and control pins as individual (Define Any Port and Any Pin number),
- Added: improved and optimized code.
- Library can be operated in 4-bit IO port mode or 8-bit IO port mode, depending on the value of LCD_IO_MODE in lcd.h
- You can connect the data/control bins at any port and any pin number, each from its individual define
Files: NOTE: _You have to download all these files and just include the lcd.h to your project _
**LCD files**
**DIO files**
**Test APP files**
**Other files**
- 1. common_macro.h
- 2. std_type.h
- 3. peripheral_reg.h
- 4. osc.h
**Proteus 7.9 simulation folder**
- Feel free to check the 4-bit and 8-bit mode running on Proteus 7.9 Simulation files
- 1. void LCD_init (uint8 a_cursorState);
- 2. void LCD_sendCommand (uint8 a_command);
- 3. void LCD_displayCharacter (uint8 a_dataCharacter);
- 4. void LCD_displayString (const uint8* a_dataString_Ptr);
- 5. void LCD_displayStringRowColumn (uint8 a_row, uint8 a_col, const uint8 *a_str_Ptr);
- 6. void LCD_displayNumber (sint32 a_data, uint8 a_base);
- 7. void LCD_goToRowColumn (uint8 a_row, uint8 a_col);
- 8. void LCD_clearScreen (void);
- + other *inline *and *static *functions in lcd.c file